
FBC’s Ministry to adults is multi-faceted. We strive to provide ministry to adults of every age and in every stage of life. In addition to specific ministries to men and women, FBC Searcy also ministers to adults through Life Group Bible Studies, and with ministry focused on Single Adults and Senior Adults.

Life Group Bible Studies

From Young Adults to Senior Adults, there is a Life Group for you. These groups fellowship together and learn together using a variety of curriculum options. They meet each Sunday at 9:15am.  All FBC Life Groups are "open" groups so you can join any group at any time.

Single Adults

Single Adults at FBC Searcy attend several different Life Groups (including Explorers, Foundations and Set Free), but we offer a specific ministry to individuals who are single or single again. They fellowship and study on Sunday mornings, but also have trips and activities throughout the year. They meet in Room 102 of the Adult Education Building.

Senior Adults

Our senior adults are active in all aspects of church life and participate in all of our ministries. There are several Life Groups designed specifically for senior adults, and activities are often planned which focus on our senior adults.